Ron DeSantis Fawned Over Trump’s SCOTUS Pick, But Now Mocks Them’

The 2024 presidential race will continue, as will his opponents’ campaigns, as former President Donald Trump faces 37 felony counts related to his alleged mishandling of confidential data.

Most of Trump’s primary opponents, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, have responded to the charge by criticizing the judicial system. 

But, on Monday, DeSantis criticized Trump, saying that his Supreme Court nominees would be superior to Trump’s predecessor.

In an interview with Hugh Hewitt, DeSantis said he thinks “we’re” capable of more than that. He said his three appointments have his respect, but they are not on par with Justices Thomas and Alito. 

DeSantis said he would have appointed justices in the mold of Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito because he considers them the norm. And in Florida, he was handed what is perhaps the country’s most progressive state supreme court. In contrast to the four liberals, he replaced three with conservative justices during his first month in office. 

Since then, he said, he’s been able to make many appointments. As a result, Florida’s highest court is now the most conservative in the whole country, according to the Governor.

Interestingly, DeSantis is attacking Trump’s nominations, considering that, before he campaigned against Trump, DeSantis lavished praise on Trump’s Supreme Court picks.

According to Trump’s campaign, DeSantis formerly ran for governor and said of Trump that he did a more excellent job of judicial appointments to the Supreme Court, as well as the Appeals Court, than any other president in DeSantis’s lifetime, including one of his heroes, Ronald Reagan.

However, DeSantis has compared Neil Gorsuch favorably to the late Antonin Scalia.

During an interview with Fox Business, DeSantis gushed over Brett Kavanaugh’s intellect and pedigree.

DeSantis also shared his thoughts on Amy Coney Barrett, saying she’s been a terrific judge with an exemplary career.

One has to assume DeSantis is playing politics.