Government Fed Worms To Children, Pushing Climate Alarmism Propaganda On Them

( In a video shared on social media platforms, the Dutch media station RTV Oost filmed a politician and a pest ambassador handing out mealworms, lupine worms, and other vermin to young pupils at a school in Zwolle, a city in the Netherlands.

The video showed a part of a campaign launched by a Dutch group in collaboration with Wageningen University & Research (WUR).  They intended to force behavioral changes about bugs as food in impressionable children.

According to RTV Oost, primary school kids cautiously placed mealworms in their mouths despite initial hesitancy. Some of the children shown claimed the worms tasted nutty.

According to reports, recent social unrest in the Netherlands may be attributed to the imposition of EU-level green agenda regulations on the agricultural community.  The proposed curbs on nitrogen emissions are anticipated to put nearly 40 percent of the animal farms out of commission.

In addition to cracking down on farmers, the Netherlands government promotes the Brussels environmental agenda by encouraging youngsters to think favorably about using meat substitutes and bugs.

In an article published on its website last year, the infamous World Economic Forum (WEF) claimed that to confront the approaching food scarcity, international experts and leaders would convene and discuss it at the UN Food Summit. Insects’ potential contribution to addressing this problem is often neglected in these talks.

The WEF asserted that consumers would learn to eat much less meat as it would be a treat, not a mainstay in the diet.

According to Food Safety News, biological dangers like bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and chemical hazards like heavy metals, mycotoxins, and pesticides are all possible threats to the safety of edible insects.

The potential of allergic hazards is examined, concluding that more study is necessary. Those sensitive to crustaceans are more prone to allergic responses to edible insects. Moreover, there is the possibility of developing an allergy to as-yet-unknown insect allergens.

There are recorded instances of botulism and poisoning in Africa and Asia connected to bug consumption.