Dem Confronted At Restaurant After Encouraging Others Do It to Trump’s Cabinet

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) incited a leftist horde throughout Trump’s administration and instructed them to harass Cabinet officials wherever they may go.

In addition, Maxine Waters advocated for badgering and intimidation against Trump supporters.

Reports show that in June 2018,  Maxine Waters told a boisterous crowd in Los Angeles that they should gather a large group of people, confront any members of Trump’s cabinet that they see in public places like restaurants, department stores, or gas stations, and make it clear that they are no longer welcome there.

To which Trump retorted by accusing Waters of having a very low IQ and of instigating violence among his fans.

Protesters approached senior advisor Stephen Miller and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen while dining at a Mexican restaurant in June 2018, one week after Waters urged people to protest Trump officials.

The Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, was the site of a similar incident involving White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.

Sanders said that the owner’s actions spoke volumes about her rather than Sanders and that she was forced out because she worked for President Trump.

The Red Hen permanently closed in 2023.

As it turns out, Waters isn’t a fan of being treated this way.

Maxine Waters said she was approached by a person at a restaurant who opposed her stance on politics. She complained about it on cable news.

Waters labeled the individual as racist just for disagreeing with her, even though she said the person didn’t say anything racist.

Waters claimed she was recently approached at a restaurant by individuals who clearly displayed racial attitudes.  They didn’t say racist things; instead, they expressed their disapproval of her statements or stances. Waters insisted that her treatment would be different if she were not black.

In other words, Waters believes that she was confronted due to racism, not because the person disagreed with her.