Zoom Call Disaster – Biden MESSED It Up

President Joe Biden recently attended a conference call with moderate Democrats recently, and now Puck News is reporting the inside dope about what happened on the call—and it doesn’t look good for Biden. Puck News declined to name their sources in their report, presumably to protect them from retaliation for speaking to the news outlet.

At one point, the President reportedly lost his cool and began screaming at a Bronze Star veteran.

The call was seen as an opportunity for moderate Democrats to give voice to any fears that they had about their fate being tied to Biden—that if he loses the election, they might all go down with him.

But one of the attendees told Puck Media that Biden’s performance on the call was even worse than his performance in the debate. The source said that the President would start to answer a question, lose his train of thought, then bring his ramblings to an end with a blithe “whatever.” The President, according to the source, failed to complete a single answer. The source reported losing a great deal of respect for the President.

The source went on to say that if former President Trump had not been shot an hour after the call, he or she would have expected around fifty of the attendees to come out publicly against Joe Biden’s candidacy. According to Puck Media, the source quoted is a sitting member of Congress.

During the call, Biden aroused the ire of Rep. Jason Crow, a Democrat from Colorado. Crow asked whether voters really cared as much about National Security issues as Biden seemed to be banking on. Biden launched into a tirade in which he claimed, among other things, to have “put NATO together.” He claimed to be the world’s most effective foreign policy leader, then started shouting repeated demands that Crow name someone better at foreign policy than himself, and ended the tirade by minimizing Crow’s importance on the basis that he holds a Bronze Star.