Police Investigate ‘Ziplock’ Bag of Cocaine Found in Capitol HQ

On May 15th, the US Capitol Police (USCP) made public their investigation into a small bit of cocaine found in a zip-lock bag that was left inside the agency’s headquarters.

The USCP released a statement detailing the discovery of the one-inch-by-one-inch zip lock bag on the floor of a heavily trafficked corridor on the second level of the building.

According to the USCP’s statement, a small quantity of a powdery white substance was found in the zip-lock bag. They added that the material tested positive for cocaine.

According to the statement, the little bag was discovered on the floor of a corridor inside USCP headquarters. The second-floor hallway is located in a room that was previously used as a staging place for various supplies and furnishings. Contractors and staff in the district use the area often.

The statement reveals that the area around the bag’s discovery is home to the Prisoner Processing offices.

According to the USCP, the residue tested positive for cocaine in field testing. Additional testing, including a DNA analysis of the baggie, will be conducted as part of the ongoing inquiry that the USCP Investigations Division has initiated.

This incident follows the discovery of a bag of cocaine in a storage locker at an entryway frequented by both visitors and personnel in the White House’s West Wing on July 2, 2023. After eleven days of investigating the cocaine’s presence at the White House, the Secret Service claimed to be unable to uncover any more information, even with its highly sophisticated investigative equipment.

Secret Service agents in uniform discovered the drug during their usual building checks. No one is allowed on the grounds of the White House without first being inspected and videotaped by the Secret Service.

Those with experience in the field have claimed that the Secret Service purposely covered up the identity of the bag of cocaine.